

Efficiently manage projects and its financials

Easily Manage Project Finances

With our project management tool you can easily create new projects, create different tasks under each project and assign budget for each tasks. This way you can define overall project budget and track the current work done and set the budget against each task. Your employee can submit timesheet defining number of hours spent on each task and project which helps you to invoice your client accordingly.

Easily Manage Project Finances

Detailed View Of Project Budgeting

Get detail view on overall project budget. Drill down to budget allocated to each task for that project. Get detailed view on assigned budget, total work done, billed and unbilled work.

Reimburse Expenses Related To A Project

Are you buying stuff for client projects and need to reimburse from clients? Don’t worry, in Mindooit’s mindooto do. When adding purchase bill you have option to select if you want to charge this to client or not. You can then select particular project and define the amount you want to charge to client. This detail then can be inserted into the invoice while creating invoice for that client making it all easier. Now never miss a single expense to reimburse from client.

Track Live Profitability On Projects

Track live profitability on each project by comparing allocated budget against the total work done till now. This gives you overview on if you are making profit or loss on particular project.

Invoice Your Clients Based
On Time Spent

Your employee can select project and task they have been working on and how much time they have spent. Use this details to create invoice is making invoicing easier and up to the mark. So you don’t miss any time spent on the project making it profitable business. Also you have an overview of which employee was working on which project and how much time they have spent on each project and task.

to save your time and make your life easier

Mindoo Invoices


Bills & Expenses

Financial Reports

Free Upgrades

GST Return

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